mardi 17 octobre 2017

Release Blitz : C'est le jour J pour Dignity de Jay Crownover


Par l'auteur bestseller du New York Times et de USA Today Jay Crownover, découvrez le 2ème roman de la saga The Breaking Point , une saga romantic suspense, DIGNITY !


A propos de DIGNITY:

Les apparences peuvent être trompeuses.

Je sais que la plupart des gens jettent un coup d'oeil à mes tatouages et au corps incroyablement fort et musclé qui en est recouvert et ils pensent que je suis un bagarreur ... un colosse.... une bête. Cependant , j'ai été programmé pour être un penseur , non un bagarreur.

J'aurais dû choisir d'utiliser mes neurones et mon don pour faire partie des gentils garçons, des héros, des hommes avec une dignité et de la valeur.

J'ai tourné le dos à ma dignité et j'ai vendu mon âme au plus offrant, décidant de danser avec le diable à la place.

Je n'arrivais pas à savoir comment m'en sortir donc il y avait zéro chance que je sache comment sauver quelqu'un d'autre.

Cette autre personne était Noe Lee. Elle était la voleuse sauvage et libre qui était aussi intelligente que moi et deux fois plus rodée à la rue. Elle était agacante et adorable sous la saleté et la crasse , et elle était dans le merde. Bien enfoncée dedans. Je me disais que ce n'était pas à moi de l'empêcher de se noyer A The Point c'était marche ou crève et je n'étais pas le bodyguard attitré.

Je lui ai fermé la porte au nez mais à présent, elle est partie.... a disparu... sans laisser de trace. Ca ne m'a pris qu'une seule seconde pour me rendre compte que je voulais la revoir.

Quand une femme arrive et fait fondre la glace, et toutes les dures choses dont on est fait, on ferait tout pour la ramener chez elle.

Ce que vous voyez n'est pas forcément ce que vous avez.... et avec un homme comme moi, ce que vous avez est bien plus que ce que vous avez demandé.

DIGNITY sort le 17 octobre 2017! Il est désormais disponible

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Découvrez un extrait en VO

Protective and possessive instincts coiled around my gut and rage felt like it was going to choke me. I was so used to being cold and numb, I didn’t know what to do with the fire that was licking at my insides.
“I saw him take her out of the trunk when they got to the docks. He moved like a cop. Not the kind who is there to actually protect and serve, but the kind who pulls you over for no reason and slaps cuffs on you to prove a point. I was locked up for a lot of years, boy genius. I know what a dirty cop looks like. He had a busted-up nose and stitches on the side of his face. Should be pretty easy for Titus to identify him.”
Titus King was Bax’s half-brother and the only law enforcement officer in the entire city any of us slightly trusted. He was one of the few men the Point hadn’t tainted. He was a good guy, trying to do right by the people in our city, and he wouldn’t hesitate to throw Goddard’s dirty cop under the bus. But I didn’t want anyone going after the Mayor. His sadistic ass was all mine.
“Do you think they made it out of the container after you hit it with the truck?” That had been my idea. Nassir was only sending in Booker and Benny to get Noe out, but I didn’t think it was enough fire power. Since he refused to let me go, even siccing Chuck on me as a babysitter until the job was done, I made Benny go over the plan with me no less than a hundred times until I came up with a better one. Knocking the container sideways with one of the big semi-trucks that littered the area would give Benny the time he needed to get Noe out and distract the outside security detail enough that Booker could do his thing. It was a risk because the people inside the container—including Noe and Benny—might have ended up injured when the thing flipped, but the odds of them making it out were much higher than if Benny tried to take on everyone on his own.
“If Benny made it out, we won’t hear from him again. That was the deal he made with Nassir. He would get your girl and then disappear, so he can go and live happily ever after with his. As for the rest of them,” he shrugged, “I guess we’ll find out soon enough. Your girl said someone had a gun, so if they were shooting at Benny, he would do whatever he could to make sure they stopped. He’s not about to catch a bullet for any of us. I know you want that asshole alive for your own reasons, but honestly, it’s better if Benny popped him.”
It was better, but it wasn’t what I wanted. A bullet between the eyes was way too easy for a guy like Goddard. People would bemoan how bad the Point had become, how Goddard had been a staunch supporter of crime prevention measures. He would die a martyr and a legend. I couldn’t stand the thought of that. I wanted who Goddard was, who he really was, out in the open. I wanted his mansion doors flung wide open and every skeleton inside the walls exposed and thrown out on the perfectly manicured lawn for the entire world to see. I hated people who hid behind the law. I hated when men in any position of power got off on using their elevated status to jerk the helpless and hopeless around. Death wasn’t the answer. Devastation was.
I closed my eyes and squeezed the cold, still hand that was clasped in mine. Failure weighed heavy on my shoulders and fury lit up my blood like popping and sizzling firecrackers.
“When do we ever end up with anything that’s better for us?” That wasn’t how the Point worked. That wasn’t how we worked.
Booker grunted and I felt him move behind me. “It happens. It doesn’t seem like better should be able to find a foothold in this place, but despite all odds, it does.”

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Et ne manquez pas le tome 1 de la saga The Breaking Point , HONOR!


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About Jay Crownover:

  Jay Crownover is the international and multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men Series, The Saints of Denver Series, the Point Series, the Breaking Point Series, and the Getaway Series. Her books can be found translated in many different languages all around the world. She is a tattooed, crazy haired Colorado native who lives at the base of the Rockies with her awesome dogs. This is where she can frequently be found enjoying a cold beer and Taco Tuesdays. Jay is a self-declared music snob and outspoken book lover who is always looking for her next adventure, between the pages and on the road.        

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