mardi 9 octobre 2018

Release Blitz : C'est le jour J pour Love yours sincerely de Sara Ney et Meghan Quinn

Une romance sexy, intelligente et à se pâmer qui parle d'une fille qui n'a rien à perdre quand il s'agit de flirter avec son boss. 

Cette romance contemporaine et séduisante a été écrite pat les auteurs bestsellers Meghan Quinn et Sara Ney et vous tiendra en haleine. Vous tomberez sous le charme de ce premier roman du duo dynamique qui sort le 9 octobre


Cher Monsieur ... ** rayez cette mention inutile** non, trop formel. Hey salut chérubin * rayez * non, trop brut. À qui de droit, divulgation complète; Avant de passer à ce courriel, j'aimerais que l'on sache que j'ai consommé une quantité suffisante de boissons alcoolisées pour m'enivrer ce soir. Trois margaritas, deux shots et une bière parce que c'était gratuit. Je pense qu'il est important d'être ouvert et honnête avec vos collègues, n'est-ce pas? Donc, je suis honnête. Bourrée mais honnête. Ou juste ivre de désir? Vous décidez. Je vous aime tellement que cela trouble mon jugement et me fait faire des choses que je ne ferais jamais sobre. Comme écrire cette lettre. J'ai un béguin d'adolescente sans espoir, stupide pour vous quand vous êtes la dernière personne sur terre à laquelle dont je devrais être en train de tomber amoureuse. Saviez-vous que les gens du bureau vous appellent un sadique? Un égocentrique. Un con insensible et arrogant. Votre aboiement est pire que votre morsure et vous ne me faites pas peur. Le fait est que j'adorerais mordre votre peau nue pendant que nous ne porterions rien d'autre que des draps. Pour une fois, je veux que tu me regardes comme plusieurs de tes employés. Et tant que nous sommes honnêtes, ce costume bleu marine que vous portez? Avec la chemise blanche croustillante? Cela me donne vraiment envie de desserrer votre cravate et de vous montrer qui est le patron. Bisous, cordialement





Like a goddamn ray of sunshine, light streaming behind her from the window, a halo shining above her pretty head. Her lying, beautiful head. Dark hair, wavy and glossy, down around her shoulders, the rich color picking up red from the sun. She’s holding a glass—it’s poised at her lips and she’s about to take a sip—when our eyes meet. She lowers it, her mouth parts, and her smile spreads. Until I scowl. Then, her face morphs from happy to concerned in a second. Damn right she should be concerned. I nod. She nods. My eyes trail down the front of her and I note her dress—it’s baby blue, wrapped and tied at the waist, and shows off her curves while highlighting her legs in those sexy-as-shit heels. Stop thinking about her curves and legs. You’re not here to admire her. The pile of gifts in the corner pisses me off, bringing me back into the present, back to my rage, and has me lifting my arm; crooking my finger. Peyton’s brows go up at the same time her head cocks and she pokes a finger into her own chest. “Me?” “Yeah. You.” I know she can’t hear me, but I say it anyway—and if she’s any good at reading lips, she’ll haul her ass over here right quick. Her cup is passed. Skirt gets smoothed out. Chin tilts high. She heads over. Good girl. “Follow me,” I order her when we’re on the outskirts of the room. When we’re clear across the office common area, I pivot to face her. She’s shorter, even in heels, so I have to dip my head to glare at her. “Want to tell me exactly what the fuck is going on in there?”    

Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced latte's, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives colorfully, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British. She lives with her husband, children, and her ridiculously large dog. Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Newsletter | Website    


Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Meghan has grown into a sassy, peanut butter eating, blonde haired swearing, animal hoarding lady. She is known to bust out and dance if “It’s Raining Men” starts beating through the air and heaven forbid you get a margarita in her, protect your legs because they may be humped. Once she started commuting for an hour and twenty minutes every day to work for three years, she began to have conversations play in her head, real life, deep male voices and dainty lady coos kind of conversations. Perturbed and confused, she decided to either see a therapist about the hot and steamy voices running through her head or start writing them down. She decided to go with the cheaper option and started writing… enter her first novel, Caught Looking. Now you can find the spicy, most definitely on the border of lunacy, kind of crazy lady residing in Colorado with the love of her life and her five, furry four legged children, hiking a trail or hiding behind shelves at grocery stores, wondering what kind of lube the nervous stranger will bring home to his wife. Oh and she loves a good boob squeeze! Facebook | Follow on Goodreads | Website | Amazon Author Page | Instagram | Follow on BookBub  

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