mercredi 27 mars 2019

Release Blitz : C'est le jour J pour Downfall de Jay Crownover


Par l'auteur bestseller du NY Times,  Jay Crownover, découvrez  DOWNFALL, une romance contemporaine sexy qui sort aujourd'hui 

DOWNFALL est désormais disponible sur tous les sites de vente! Achetez votre exemplaire aujourd'hui car demain il ne sera plus disponible que sur Amazon KU!



Solomon Sanders n’a pas le temps de tomber amoureux. Jusqu'à ce qu'une mère célibataire épatante et nerveuse l'oblige à faire une pause et à reconnaître à quel point sa vie occupée est devenue vide et creuse.
Depuis le début, Solo a enraciné son ADN dans le combat.
Combattre pour ce qu'il croit être juste.
Se battre pour les gens qu'il aime.
Se battre pour les traces du bien dans un endroit qui a tendance à être rempli d'une variété de mauvaises choses.
Se battre pour la survie, alors à un moment donné, sa vie va se calmer et retrouver un rythme normal.
Il n’était pas prêt à subir l’impact que sa secrète et timide nouvelle voisine aurait sur lui. Et jamais, dans un million d’années, il n’était prêt à tomber éperdument amoureux d'elle et de sa jeune fille.
Maintenant, il fait face au combat le plus important et le plus dur qu’il ait jamais mené… le combat pour gagner le cœur endommagé d’Orley.
Le cœur d’Orley Vincent est rempli de crainte, ne laissant aucune place à l’amour. Jusqu'à ce que ce grand bagarreur d'homme se fraye un chemin et lui fasse comprendre que faire face à ses peurs est la seule façon pour elle de pouvoir être libre.
Dès le départ, Orley était persuadée qu’elle n’était pas assez bonne.
Elle n’était pas la fille parfaite. Ou l'étudiante parfaite. Ou la petite amie parfaite.
Mais elle a toujours été la meilleure mère possible pour sa fille Noble.
Garder Noble en sécurité a toujours été la chose qu’elle était déterminée à faire, ce qui, ironiquement, fut la façon dont elle s’est retrouvée du mauvais côté, vivant à côté d’un héros improbable. Orley est une femme en fuite. Elle ne savait pas que son sprint frénétique allait la mener dans les bras tatoués d'un homme prêt à lui apprendre à se battre pour elle-même… et pour l'amour. 

Amazon Live Alert Get DOWNFALL before the 28th when it goes into KU! Kobo Apple Books Barnes & Noble


 “What did I tell you about lurking around my place, Skinner? I don’t fucking like it.” The guy’s voice was a low growl. Intimidating without even trying. “I don’t fucking like you.” Out of habit, I reached back and covered Noble’s ears with my hands. She wasn’t new to foul language, but I didn’t need her repeating this stranger’s garbage words, which she absolutely would at the most inopportune moment. My eyes widened as he shook the lurker hard enough to snap his head back and forth comically. The smaller man whimpered and clutched at the hands locked on the front of his dirty coat. “Let me go, Solo. I was just having some fun. She’s a prissy bitch. You’ve seen her walking around here like her shit don’t stink.” The pleading was wasted. The larger man was clearly unmoved. The new arrival’s massive arms tensed and flexed as he practically threw the other man on the ground. I noticed he was dressed in nothing more than a dark t-shirt even though it was chilly outside. The short sleeves showed off more than his impressive build. In the faded street lights, I could hardly make out the designs that were inked over almost every visible inch of skin. That wasn’t an uncommon look in this neighborhood. Gang tattoos, prison tattoos, and general outsiders who called these streets home tended to rock some serious ink, but this guy’s looked more deliberate and artistic than a simple statement piece. As soon as my attacker was back on the ground, the bigger guy stepped forward. I reflexively cringed as he lowered his big, booted foot down on the other man’s unprotected private parts. A wail of agony shrieked through the air, and I realized belatedly I should be hauling ass for my apartment, not standing around waiting to see how this brutal display of street justice played out. I clutched Noble’s hand in mine and briskly jogged the last few yards to my apartment building. I lifted Noble over the sleeping homeless man and hustled up the five flights of stairs to our floor. The elevator had been broken since before we’d moved in, not that I would dare let either of us get trapped in a small place with anyone from this complex. I was a panting, quaking mess when I finally slammed the door. I dropped to my knees and pulled my daughter into my arms, covering her tear-streaked face in kisses and whispering soothing words over and over again. There was no way this could be our new normal. But it was. Noble deserved so much better than this. I sighed, pushing her hair off her precious face. “You know what, sweets?” She blinked big, watery blue eyes at me and shook her head. “I think we both need cake.” She nodded and cuddled close to me. It wouldn’t occur to me until much later that I hadn’t bothered to shout a thank you or shown any appreciation at all to my savior. I had no clue if he was any better than the scumbag who had grabbed me, but he had at least kept my daughter safe, so I owed him, even if he was one of countless things in this forever dark place that scared the life out of me. People didn’t help other people in this neighborhood… but he had stopped and helped me, whether his intentions were altruistic or not. And I owed him… well… at the very least, more than a piece of cake.  


About Jay Crownover: Jay Crownover is the international and multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men series, the Saints of Denver series, the Point series, the Breaking Point series, the Getaway series, and the Loveless, Texas series. Her books can be found translated in many different languages all around the world. She is a tattooed, crazy haired Colorado native who lives at the base of the Rockies with her awesome dogs. This is where she can frequently be found enjoying a cold beer and Taco Tuesdays. Jay is a self-declared music snob and outspoken book lover who is always looking for her next adventure, between the pages and on the road.For more on Jay and her books, visit  

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