Hot For His Girl by Rachel Blaufeld
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publishing Date: October 1st, 2018
Cover Designer: Sarah Hansen / okay creations
Photographer: Regina Wamba
Andonia “Andi” Schwartz est le genre de personne que vous adorez détester. Narquois , mince, et blasée, la bonté de Andi se cache sous sa carapace. Mais c'est bien là. . . cette mère célibataire indépendante l'a en elle .
Reid Fellows est un mec adorable. professeur de statistiques en attente de titularisation , portant des lunettes, blogger torse nu le soir, sur le papier il envoie du lourd et il est agréable à regarder ..
Andi exerce son pouvoir et envoie des commentaires ingérables derrière son ordi en tant que propriétaire anonyme de The UnAffectionate Blogger. ou est le blog de Reid, Grill and Groom, et tout ça a commencé par un défi. A présent , il montre régulièrement ses tablettes de chocolat tout en cuisinant.
Il se peut qu'il aime plus ce passe temps que son travail. Elle a besoin que ses statistiques montent et que des publicitaires soutiennent sa fille. Jusqu'au moment où ces deux là se rencontrent et tisse une toile en ligne et dans la vraie vie.... en vrai .
Que se passe t-il quand deux bloggers tombent amoureux?
C'est la naissance d'un nouveau blog

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About Rachel:
Rachel Blaufeld is a bestselling author of Romantic Suspense, New Adult, Coming-of-Age Romance, and Sports Romance. A recent poll of her readers described her as insightful, generous, articulate, and spunky. Originally a social worker, Rachel creates broken yet redeeming characters. She’s been known to turn up the angst like cranking up the heat in the dead of winter.
A devout coffee drinker and doughnut eater, Rachel spends way too many hours in local coffee shops, downing the aforementioned goodies while she plots her ideas. Her tales may all come with a side of angst and naughtiness, but end as lusciously as her treats.
As a side note, Blaufeld, also a long-time blogger and an advocate of woman-run anything, is fearless about sharing her opinion. She captured the ears of stay-at-home and working moms on her blog,BacknGrooveMom,chronicling her adventures in parenting tweens and running a business, often at the same time. To her, work/life/family balance is an urban legend, but she does her best.
Rachel has also blogged for The Huffington Post and Modern Mom. Most recently, her insights can be found in USA TODAY, where she shares conversations at “In Bed with a Romance Author”and reading recommendations over at “Happy Ever After.”
Rachel lives around the corner from her childhood home in Pennsylvania with her family and two beagles. Her obsessions include running, coffee, basketball, icing-filled doughnuts, antiheroes, and mighty fine epilogues.
When she isn’t writing, she can be found courtside, tweeting about hoops as her son plays, or walking around the house wearing earplugs while her other son, the drummer, bangs away.
Connect with Rachel:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rachelblaufeld
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachelblaufeld/
Reader Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TunnelVIPS/
Stay up to date with Rachel by joining her mailing list today: http://www.rachelblaufeld.com/signup
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