Gym or Chocolate?
Une comédie romantique feel good par les auteurs de Undefeated et Model Boyfriend, Stuart Reardon & Jane Harvey-Berrick, qui sortira le 13 septembre.
Available in KindleUnlimited.

La célèbre présentatrice radio , sexy et carriériste Cady Callahan n’a jamais rencontré un chocolat qu’elle n’ait pas aimé. Elle a des courbes et elle s’en fiche pas. Elle est choquée quand un billet de loterie acheté pour soutenir une association caritative d'anciens combattants signifie qu'elle a gagné un an d'adhésion à Body Tech, un gymnase exclusif à Manhattan, où s'entraînent tous les athlètes de haut niveau et tous les acteurs vedettes pour se préparer à leurs rôles. Elle a également gagné un entraîneur personnel sous la forme de Rick Roberts, bien trop tentant. Rick n'st pas impressionné par l’arrivée de Cady dans un cirque médiatique. A la retraite, le rugbyman britannique possède un centre d’entraînement sérieux et n’a certainement pas le temps de laisser du perdre avec quiconque ne veut pas travailler dur. Quand Cady le met au défi de l'entraîner pour courir un marathon d'ici la fin de l'année, cela semble une solution à leurs deux problèmes. Si… quand elle abandonnera l'entraînement, sa salle de sport redeviendra normale. Mais Cady n’a pas l’intention de perdre le pari, elle ne comptait simplement sur aucune complication. Et le bourru Rick est très compliqué. Et aussi tentant que la friandise la plus savoureuse.

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I’ve had four major surgeries as a result of my rugby career—three operations to repair torn Achilles tendons, and a torn rotor cuff in my shoulder that ultimately ended my professional rugby career.
Coming back from injury and surgery is a long, slow process. Keeping a level of fitness during recovery isn’t easy, and rehab after is tough. So for me, exercise and working out at the gym is more than just getting fit, it’s a way of life.
And then there’s the completely different issue of getting lean for a photoshoot like for this cover—especially when your co-author is a bad influence and travels everywhere with chocolate. I really enjoy a good quality dark chocolate, and yep, I had to cut that out to drop a few pounds for the cover shoot. Feel my pain?!

For years (decades), I told myself that I didn’t like gyms and even though I joined several with the best intentions, I stayed away. I lived in London and walked four miles a day to and from Tube stations, so that seemed like enough. I often had an aching back and shoulders, and sometimes sciatic pain, too. I put it down to having a desk job, even though I was only in my twenties.
When I moved from London to live by the ocean, I began a love affair with swimming—and there’s nothing like swimming in a cold ocean! I walked my little dog every day and felt better, but with turning to writing full-time, there were still a lot of hours spent at a desk.
Then I got really sick. The death of my father was a stressful time, as you can imagine, but it became worse when it triggered Rheumatoid Arthritis in me. Suddenly, I was using walking sticks to get around, sometimes a wheelchair, and often crippled with pain. All the usual drugs helped, and I began to regain mobility slowly. But the turning point for me was joining a gym, and realising what I’d been missing out on all these years.
Nothing happens overnight, and it was a process of simply keeping going two to three times a week to feel the benefits—and I did. I was happy, my family was happy, even my doctor was happy.
Exercise doesn’t cure RA, but it certainly helps.

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